Visiting Switzerland by the panoramic train
Swiss panoramic railway – Pre-Alpine Express
Switzerland does not always have to be associated with above 4000 m tall peaks and deep, steep ravines. It also has the beautiful, milder face of the country that is worth visiting. You may board the panoramic train – Pre-Alpine Express to do that, which will take its passengers to mild, wavy hills, picturesque villages and blooming orchards of Switzerland. The Pre-Alpine train does not travel through the mountains but runs along their slopes and planes. Hence the name – the Pre-Alpine Express.
Travelling across Switzerland
Throughout the ages Switzerland was the inaccessible country, mountainous stronghold hard to conquer. Among others, thanks to that location it has won its independence. When, in 1800 the Napoleon army crossed the st. Bernard pass, it was seen the evidence of great courage and skills.
At that time, to cross Switzerland, especially in winter, was believed to be a risky one. Nowadays, you may enjoy the countries charms in various ways, also thanks to the panoramic train. One of them is the Pre-Alpine Express.
The Pre-Alpine Express
The Pre-Alpine journey is considered as the one of the most enchanting means of travelling. The train allows you to learn the alternative face of Switzerland. The Pre-Alpine Express offers the unique journey between eastern and central Switzerland.
The train runs through the old town of St. Gallen, with the famous Abbey Library. Next, the train runs along the highest railway bridge in Switzerland (it is located at 99 m) reaching the neighbouring canton – Appenzell – featuring an impressive mountain ridge and characteristic landscape.
By train across Switzerland
Through the panoramic train windows the traveller may enjoy wavy hills and virginous villages, when crossing the idyllic Toggenburg area as the Churfirsten mountain ridge creates the background. The next station is Rapperswil with the attractive Old Town and a view over the Zurich Lake. The end of that 2 hours rail journey occurs in Lucerna on the western bank of the Four Cantons Lake, at the foot of the Pilatus mountain. It is the internationally recognised resort, where the passenger may take advantage of numerous attractions that will terminate their remarkable journey in an unusual way.
The cheap panoramic train tickets may be booked and purchased at our website – PolishTrains.eu